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Helpline: 0308 8273337(TASDEEQ)
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lslamabad: 3, Aga Khan Road, F-6/3, Islamabad.
UAN: 042-111-900-900
Lahore: FB1 Awami Complex, Usman Block, New Garden Town Lahore.
UAN: 042-111-900-900
Karachi: 3rd Floor, PNSC Building, M.T. Khan Road, Lalazar, Karachi, Sindh.
Ph: UAN: 042-111-900-900
Our Offices

Lahore - HQ
Address: FB1 Awami Complex, Usman Block, New Garden Town Lahore.
UAN: 042-111-900-900

Address:: 3rd Floor, PNSC Building, M.T. Khan Road, Lalazar, Karachi, Sindh.
UAN: 042-111-900-900
Frequently Asked Questions
A Credit Information Bureau collects credit data of borrowers from various credit providers such as Banks, Microfinance Institutions, Telcos, Utilities etc to develop a comprehensive database. This database is then used to provide information regarding the credit history and credit worthiness of a potential borrower.
As per State Bank of Pakistan’s Credit Information Bureau Act, 2015 it is mandatory for all financial institutions to share credit data with a licensed credit bureau. Moreover, going forward we will be collecting data from other non-conventional sources such as Telcos, Utilities, Insurance Companies etc.
Currently, only member financial institutions can avail our services. However, our services will soon be available for individuals and corporate clients as well.Currently, only member financial institutions can avail our services. However, our services will soon be available for individuals and corporate clients as well.
As per the Credit Bureau Act, 2015 all financial institutions are required to provide us data for the preceding month within the first ten days of the next month. Hence, our database is updated every month.
For individuals, default history for the past 3 years and bankruptcy for 5 years appears in our CIR. For corporates, bankruptcy for 10 years is shown in the CIR.
Please click here to know the dispute resolution process
In the past, a number of credit information bureaus have been operational in Pakistan. However, as per SBP’s Credit Information Bureau Act, 2015, only licensed credit information bureaus can now operate in Pakistan. Currently, Tasdeeq is the first and only private credit information bureau to operate in Pakistan.