Pakistan’s First SBP Licensed Credit Bureau

Alerts Dashboard

An online solution with an interactive interface that enables financial institutions to monitor alerts/triggers generated by their customers’ financial activities.

TASDEEQ Alerts Dashboard

With Alerts Service, lenders can understand, and monitor risk associated with borrowers with multiple loans. Interactive dashboard allows lenders to drill-down into geography/portfolio with higher alerts so corrective actions can be taken.

Alerts Service allows lenders to integrate with the internal IFRS-9 working to update the riskiness of contract and provide a more accurate “Probability of Default”, “Exposure at Default” and “Loss Given Default”.


Microfinance Banks

23% of borrowers take out an additional loan from another lender.

By linking the bureau alerts data with internal loan application data, FIs can recalculate Debt to Income ratio and understand who has become riskier


12% of borrowers who default on one loan also default on another loan subsequently

The lender that can move first has a better chance of recovery


Commercial Banks

24% of borrowers take out an additional loan from another lender.

By linking the bureau alerts data with internal loan application data, FIs can recalculate Debt to Income ratio and understand who has become riskier


24% of borrowers who default on one loan also default on another loan subsequently

The lender that can move first has a better chance of recovery



  • Provides updates of changes in a customer’s credit profile
  • Risk-minimizing tool that provides early warning signs of a change in credit behavior
  • Track risk status of customers through an interactive dashboard for swift monitoring


  • Daily Inquiry Alert
  • New loan Alert
  • DPD 30 Alert
  • DPD 60 Alert
  • DPD 90 Alert
  • Default Alert

Request A Demo

A demo with TASDEEQ team includes: